
I will be looking for you,
as Miles Davis looked
for nearly a year
for Charlie Parker in Los Angeles

when they finally met
Charlie Parker said,
"I hear you've been
looking for me!"

I've been

looking for you
Lisa Fishman
to teach me
because your face
always seems to be laughing

Or Tao Lin
I will be looking for you
in New York
where you will likely
give me a bemused look
for trying so hard

Ron Silliman
I've been looking for you
I have a bone to pick about something
and I've been waiting a while to get it

Jim Benz I run into you everywhere
your advice about approaching
a poem on contradictory levels
was the best I've received

Jenny sometimes I've found you
and sometimes I'm still looking
laying in bed only one of us asleep

even though
we will be together
in a few hours
I'm looking everywhere
for you
I could list every girl I dated
or various friends
because I sometimes want to call
everyone I know
and apologize for something
I've done

even if it's undefined
or I haven't done it

I'm looking everywhere for all of you

but I hope I don't
find you too soon.

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